Monday, January 11, 2010

something to tell

Actually i rarely updated my blog..

It not bcz of i’m lazy...

But it all about the internet connection at my hostel..


But now, i’ll try to updatemy blog, at least once a week...

When i’m updating,i usually post an entry as a bulk....

So..nampak la macam banyak bila aku post entry..hehehe

Eh...cite pasal bulk ni, aku tetibe teringat kat coursemate aku...

Mase tu klas biomaterials...

Dia bley tanye pe maksud bulk tu...

Aku rase impossible yg dia tataw maksud perkataan tu....

Ye kita da kat university,not secondary skul g...

I think dat one is an easy word..

Bukan maen susah lecturer aku nak terangkan kat dia...

Aishhh..pity him~

Kembali kepada isu utama..

-ayat cam berdebat la plak...hahaha-

So....utk zahid...

I’ll try to update my blog as fast as i can...

If possible every day i’ll have an entry..

So sorry sayanggs ;(

Tapi,ko pun rajin2 la comment kt shoutbox aku okei...


fyqa ;)

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